DINGO software
- Dingo.xls (V1.3)
(437KB 23/09/2020
Downloader Program and Excel spreadsheet for Windows or Mac OSX. Requires DNET, DUSB or D232.
- DingoLO.ods (V1.6)
(57KB 13/02/2023
Downloader Program and OpenOffice/LibreOffice spreadsheet for Windows, Linux or Mac OSX. Requires DNET, DUSB or D232.
(134KB 27/11/2020
Dingo log-to-file scripts (VBS and Python). May be used with Windows Task Manager. VBS scripts install comm OCX. Python script imports pyModbus. Requires DNET, DUSB or D232.
- PRISM (V0.4.5.02)
(17.2M 06/12/2013
Communications Program for Dingo series controllers and accessories. Requires DUSB or D232.
Self contained installer for Windows. English version only.
- PRISM (V0.4.03: Old Version)
(16.8M 01/04/2010
- Dingo Communications Ver 4
(282Kb 23/04/2024
Dingo Communications Protocol and Memory Map
PL software
- PL Com (V2.37)
(815KB 1/10/2020
) [update from previous version]
Downloadable program. Windows Serial Communications Program for PL series controllers, for Win2k/XP/7.
This file is the full installer version which correctly sets up PLCOM, together with language files.
- PL Com (V2.37)
(711KB 1/10/2020
) [update from previous version]
Downloadable program. Windows Serial Communications Program for PL series controllers, for Win98/ME/2k/XP/7.
Zipped version for Windows 98/ME without installer support.
- PL Com (V2.11.0.586)
(740KB 26/05/2008
(137KB 10/11/2020
Dingo and PL log-to-file scripts (VBS and Python). May be used with Windows Task Manager. VBS scripts install comm OCX. Python script imports pyModbus. Requires PLI.
- PL Demo v2.0
(1.2M 29/04/2009
Downloadable program. Electronic information and on-screen demonstration of PL controllers.
- Debug View
Microsoft (sysinternals) download. Windows debug utility for use with PL Com. Win2k/XP/7.
- PLI Communications Ver 2.16
(92Kb 03/10/2016
PLI Communications Protocol and Memory Map
SPSD software
Spstalk (
(472KB 08/05/09
Downloadable program (unzip to use). Windows Serial Communications Program for SPSD series controllers, for Win2k/XP/7.
SPStalk Help
(26KB 18/01/2008
Downloadable rtf Help file (included in Spstalk zip file).
Other software
- Terminal
(277KB 31/04/2001
Downloadable program. Win 95/98 Terminal utility for serial comm debugging. Includes a Hex mode.